All equipment, staff members and other members of the public will be respected at all times and staff have the right to refuse members access to the centre if they behave in an inappropriate manner.
Users are not permitted to:
·Access adult-rated websites or other material;
·Deliberately download viruses or other dangerous items onto the CRC’s computers;
·Consume food or drink near the CRC’s computers
Parental consent is required to become a Teleyouth member. Teleyouth members have access only to play games on the Internet, PS3 and Wii. CRC Staff will not supervise Teleyouth members and therefore take no responsibility in ensuring the safety of your child.
I/We acknowledge that from time to time access to the centre may be limited due to room bookings. Access will be provided wherever possible.
All complaints are to be in writing and need to be addressed to the Chairperson of the:
Pemberton Community Resource Centre
Management Committee
P.O Box 375 Pemberton WA 6260